Sep 16, 2010

Mexican salsa

Most Mexican dishes are like our Mexican friends- simple but full of character!!
During over a year stay in Mexico, this Mexican salsa is one of the most common side dish in the restaurant and we LOVED it!!

A traditional Mexican salsa is easy to make and is guaranteed to be better than can one.
Just some tomatoes, onion, cilantro (or coriander), jalapeno, lime, salt and pepper, you can make a great Mexican salsa in no time!
The ratio is about 3:1 between tomatoes and onions but we noticed onion in Canada is not as sweet as Mexican one, so we tent to use less.
Or you can have this recipe for reference.
3 big tomatoes chopped
1/4 big onion chopped
1/3 cup cilantro chopped
2 jalapenos (or 1 if you are sensitive to spicy flavour)
1 fresh lime juice (small size)
salt and pepper for taste

Combine all the ingredients and mix well.

You may serve with unsalted corn flakes or eat with tacos (My favourite!).

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