Jan 7, 2010

when you live alone...

When you live alone, you can...

- P in the shower ;)
- 起床只要將棉被掀起45度再放下床就可以保持原本的樣子!
- cook one meal but easily to get two. Leftover for the next day, woohoo~
- keep the bathroom door opened all the time whether you are inside or not
- have more space in the wardrobe! (VERY important) I can even hang on my pj now.
- have more space in the shoe rack! (also equally important)
- place your shoes all around in a circle so you get to stand in the middle to choose which one to put on in the morning :)


p.s. 今天的菜色是烤豬排,炒菠菜加我最愛的蒸蛋 ^^ 不過水加太多了比較像喝蛋湯...(果然兩個人變一個人的比例還拿捏不準哩) 飯後是鮮奶油核桃蛋糕加紅茶 umm...Yum!

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