Jan 17, 2010

The 2nd year would be better...

One more week... Then I'll be gone from Mexico.
One year and two months in Guadalajara....

Today I met up with Os and Pao again. They introduced me to their mutual friends, Steve and Ty. We had a great Mexican lunch and nice chat about cultures.

It's sad that I'm leaving before the friendship could build up more.

The first time I met Paola was in Metropolitan Park. It was a sunny day like most other days in Guadalajara. We somehow clicked and like each other.
Then we met the 2nd time and the 3rd time. Unfortunately, it's too late to know Os and too late to know Pao & Chorro. I know we'd become great friends if time allows.

Maybe I am leaving too early. The 2nd year is always better. What did I learn from the past??!!

Bye bye, Mexico. I really love your lovely people and colorful food. And I really enjoyed the weather and all the road trips we had.
I'm gonna miss you...and all of our dear friends here
Adios!! Os, Chorro, Pao, Dave, Heidi, Rebeca, Brenda, May, Carlos, Aldo, Anahi, Karla, Osbado...

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