Jan 21, 2010

Home sick?!

Wine + Regina = feelings...

Finally got the packing done but I deserve a relax before bed.
So I got on FB checking V's bday photos in New Zealand, finishing the rest bottle of the wine and listening to Regina's Ne me Quitte Pas.

All the sudden, I think of the corner outside of mom & dad's house. Then I feel... home sick...??!!
Wow! Reeeeeeally???!!! Is this like the first time in... 3 or 4 years?? No idea.

I guess it's the fact that you realized even I'm going back to Taiwan in 2 weeks but V & S are in New Zealand and Australia. They won't be at home when I get back.
Everything's changed since the last time I was home.

Since when that we're all grown up, left our parents and hard to see each other again?
Hard to know when, where we are going to meet next time. Maybe Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan or Canada...

I know I should be happy and I am, I think so. I'm happy for them who are doing & chasing what they want and dream of...
...It's just felt sometimes the time past too fast...

...so fast that you'll be surprised while looking back once in a blue moon...

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