Jan 29, 2010


The benefit of being foreign is .... learning.
Learning new stuff each day, each moment when you had a touch with the people, the culture, the foreign world.

You may see things that are strange, things are weird.
Cuz the weirdness comes from inability of understanding but sometimes the difference makes the beauty.
Then you find out one day, those things you could complain could also be the materials of adventures. The look of the world depends on how you look at it.

On the bus ride to the fisherman's wharf today. I sit right beside a guy and a friendly little dog. I let her smell my hand and pet her. She started to lick my hand. But the guy said right away 'she is working. Please don't play.' with an annoyed fake smile on his face.
He is neither blind nor disable... There are other jobs that a dog can have in daily life??!!
Honey saw the guy holding a book about food allergies. Maybe the dog's job is to smell the food for him before eaten? A new lesson of the day... People, aren't they attractive?

Walking on the foreign streets of San Francisco. You see man in dark green yellow suit of 80s style. You see a 50-year-old skater and a man with a mystery working dog.

You see characters, the characters of freedom, the freedom of weirdness and differences...

Jan 25, 2010


Spirit... It's a mystery word with power that we can not imagine.
It represents the mother earth, the universe and everything else that we cannot put it in language.

I watched Avatar the 2nd time today.
Then I started to think about the beauty of Nature and the imagination that my mind can lead me to. Why would I waste my imagination and enthusiasm of fantasy??!!

How do you distinguish immature and chasing your dream?
Why is 29 too old to figure out what you want for your life?

There's never too late for a change. :)

I would hope so...

Jan 21, 2010

Home sick?!

Wine + Regina = feelings...

Finally got the packing done but I deserve a relax before bed.
So I got on FB checking V's bday photos in New Zealand, finishing the rest bottle of the wine and listening to Regina's Ne me Quitte Pas.

All the sudden, I think of the corner outside of mom & dad's house. Then I feel... home sick...??!!
Wow! Reeeeeeally???!!! Is this like the first time in... 3 or 4 years?? No idea.

I guess it's the fact that you realized even I'm going back to Taiwan in 2 weeks but V & S are in New Zealand and Australia. They won't be at home when I get back.
Everything's changed since the last time I was home.

Since when that we're all grown up, left our parents and hard to see each other again?
Hard to know when, where we are going to meet next time. Maybe Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan or Canada...

I know I should be happy and I am, I think so. I'm happy for them who are doing & chasing what they want and dream of...
...It's just felt sometimes the time past too fast...

...so fast that you'll be surprised while looking back once in a blue moon...

Jan 20, 2010

The Blower's Daughter- Damien Rice

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her skies

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you...
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...my mind...
'Til I find somebody new

Lately I can't stop humming this song in my head. It's a song full of helplessness, feelings and crash kind of love. A different kind that not everybody has chance to have.

If you have ever seen the movie 'Closer', you'd know.
What I learned from the movie is ....
To get closer... could be dangerous... ;) ha!

Jan 17, 2010

The 2nd year would be better...

One more week... Then I'll be gone from Mexico.
One year and two months in Guadalajara....

Today I met up with Os and Pao again. They introduced me to their mutual friends, Steve and Ty. We had a great Mexican lunch and nice chat about cultures.

It's sad that I'm leaving before the friendship could build up more.

The first time I met Paola was in Metropolitan Park. It was a sunny day like most other days in Guadalajara. We somehow clicked and like each other.
Then we met the 2nd time and the 3rd time. Unfortunately, it's too late to know Os and too late to know Pao & Chorro. I know we'd become great friends if time allows.

Maybe I am leaving too early. The 2nd year is always better. What did I learn from the past??!!

Bye bye, Mexico. I really love your lovely people and colorful food. And I really enjoyed the weather and all the road trips we had.
I'm gonna miss you...and all of our dear friends here
Adios!! Os, Chorro, Pao, Dave, Heidi, Rebeca, Brenda, May, Carlos, Aldo, Anahi, Karla, Osbado...

When you live alone...day13

Day 13
Woke up with weird dreams. Dreams about he and she were kissing and then we broke up?! Didn't really sleep well... The first thing when I opened my eyes in the morning is to count how many days I've been living alone.... 13!

When you live alone, you can't...
- hug your love when you feel touched watching a great movie
- get the glasses on the top of cabinet without getting a chair or stool
- fix the damn shower head
- not wash the dishes after cooking & eatting

It doesn't mean I can't live alone. I can and I have to.
It's just that sometimes in the end, you realized what's the most important.
I can be strong but I can be not in front of somebody who believes I will but won't mind if I don't.
And I am lucky to have this somebody already...

We shall be together... no matter what :)

Jan 8, 2010

The best husband...

When I heard about the movie 'Julie & Julia', I thought it's a movie about cooking and love between mother and daughter.
But na-huh! It's a movie about passion of what you are doing, passion of life.
And the most importantly, it's about love from a supportive husband that every woman is looking for.

In Amy Adams' interview, she described Eric, Julie's husband in the movie as the best husband you can ever asked for. 'He is a rock, the best way that a husband can be. He is calm when she is crazy and he is logical when she is... crazy. He loves her when she doesn't necessarily pay him sort of attention he deserves.'
I heard the last sentence then I suddenly had tears in my eyes... I always know that I have the best husband of the world but my mouth or word could be sometimes stupid, especially in English to make my points. So I'm glad someone could help to put that into words.

Lucky I am, my dear husband is exactly the kind that I've ever wanted like what Amy said.
He is encouraging when I'm frustrated. He is positive when I feel hopeless. Except in my case, I don't get crazy very much, only when I am drunk or having too much coffee and suddenly fluent in my 2nd language in high speed. In that case, he would just look at me, listen and smile, from the bottom of his heart...
His magic is he can always make me feel loved. I appreciate every moment we spend together.

Honey, thank you for the love and I love you very very much, too. Even while I wasn't listening to you ;)
Happy 33rd birthday, Baby! Wall-eye-knee~

P.S. There are millions other reasons of why I love you, not just the ones above, such as you are hot, good looking, an excellent athlete and good in bed. I was shallow ;P

Jan 7, 2010

when you live alone...

When you live alone, you can...

- P in the shower ;)
- 起床只要將棉被掀起45度再放下床就可以保持原本的樣子!
- cook one meal but easily to get two. Leftover for the next day, woohoo~
- keep the bathroom door opened all the time whether you are inside or not
- have more space in the wardrobe! (VERY important) I can even hang on my pj now.
- have more space in the shoe rack! (also equally important)
- place your shoes all around in a circle so you get to stand in the middle to choose which one to put on in the morning :)


p.s. 今天的菜色是烤豬排,炒菠菜加我最愛的蒸蛋 ^^ 不過水加太多了比較像喝蛋湯...(果然兩個人變一個人的比例還拿捏不準哩) 飯後是鮮奶油核桃蛋糕加紅茶 umm...Yum!

Jan 5, 2010


從一片雪景的加拿大,回到黃黃的Guadalajara... 從機上望出去,煞時還真不習慣,原來人是這麼容易習慣一件事的...

哈你留在加拿大找工作,我一個人獨自回到墨西哥 繼續我給抹西勾、米狗、應狗倫"磨練"的生活。說是這樣,不過果然人都是需要休息的。一回來,心情十分輕鬆,跟兩個禮拜離開去度假時那種"看不到明天"的心情差很多。原本很擔心會撐不下去的一月,應該不會那麼糟吧~ (knock wood...等到這星期五客戶來QBR叫囂完了再說吧!)
不知從何時開始,我變的容易猶豫不決... 就連個要回台灣的日子,我都兩天變三次(在我心裡啦)
這要從大四的敗家女時期說起... 算了! 太遙遠以前的事了~
靜下來想想,要是哈你在加拿大找到了工作,他留在加拿大,我就要自己一個人留在台灣申請PR了...要跟哈你分開這麼久的日子,說真的,還真沒仔細想過... 唉~ 也許有些決定就是要魯莽點的做,不然永遠前進不了吧。

不得以的分離必定是為了一個更偉大的目標...! 所以為了證明自己的獨立天沒白過,決定要每天都寫blog來記錄自己的獨立事蹟!!

今晚,把蕃茄麵+烤豬排配著"Julie&Julia"吃掉了~ 不過這部電影有讓你越吃越餓的效果...哈!
我對於劇中女主角客服工作被叫囂,和他跟她三個"成功"有地位的女朋友吃飯(地點在紐約)那兩段特別有感覺... 人生的路有時真的很難說,但不管你怎麼選擇,真的是沒有捷徑,辛苦和甜美的成果總是並存的,有機會嚐到的人就懂得它的可貴。不過看你怎麼定義成功的就是了...不一定每個人當了writer就認為自己成功啦~

我很愛blackberry 09年底這一系列的廣告- 'Love what you do. Do what you love.'
背景配樂 'All you need is Love.' 真是太深得我心了~
