Nov 27, 2010

Menu next week

So... my sister is her!! She arrived last night and we chatted till 2am until we can't keep our eyes open anymore.
Sophia will be here for 6 weeks. In the meantime, I will have another person to make supper, lunch, breakfast and desserts for...
Now I have chance to try more new recipes!! Can't wait!

Menu next week:
Cuban chicken
(This is cuz we know it is so good and I want to impressive my sister with it ;))

Pineapple chicken thigh
(Always wanted to try, especially when I got a fresh pineapple two days ago)

Beef Lasagne
(The cottage cheese MUST be used!)

Off to Toronto
Yeah Yeah! The menu of Toronto will be....
*Catch up with old friends
*Fetish party with girls and gay
*Good meals and good chats!
*Opera or NOT...

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