Oct 20, 2011

Pumpkin Fun

Autumn has arrived the harvest time of year has just begun. Followed by boxes and boxes of apples, it's time to have fun with all the fresh pumpkins and squash!

There are so many ways to be creative with this beautiful colour, hard shell, and full of flavour veggies.
Here are some past recipes I tried to share with all of you.
Have fun curving, cooking, baking with your pumpkins!

Rissotto in Pumpkin dish casserole

Pumpkin Pie: Recipe

Double layer Pumpkin Cheesecake: Recipe

and the best I've tried this year... Pumpkin crème brûlée!!! (recipe)
It was a big hit on the Thanksgiving night this year, but unfortunately... I forgot to take a picture! But it's so good that I will soon make it another time so the pictures will be posted soon! Keep exploring!

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