Jan 31, 2009

Seven Pounds 七生有幸

衝著Will Smith和好奇心,外加墨西哥看電影超便宜,上映的第一個禮拜跟我家阿豆仔很開心的買了票進去看,結果哭的希哩嘩啦地出來... 散場的燈亮起,前後左右的女生全部都在擦眼淚...

故事一開始,電話聲響起,911的接線警員接起電話,Will Smith難過的告訴警方他要報案,事件是自殺,受害人是他自己。接著畫面跳到幾個月之前,神秘的鋪述這名男子在電腦前找尋人名,登門拜訪並暗自的觀察被選中的人,為了完成一個計畫。故事在三個時間點之間穿梭,零星的畫面,緩緩的透露出他身後隱藏的秘密,讓你將整部片串聯起來,流下無奈卻感動的眼淚。


Will Smith飾演一名MIT畢業的工程師,有份多薪有成就的工作、一位美麗且相愛的老婆。


Jan 26, 2009


那天收到爸比的mail,Tony二月中要來台灣,和他的女朋友Nancy....聽到有點shock,嘴裡淡淡的吐出一句 "westerners move on fast..." 我們的文化與西方比起來有太多的道德拘束,太多的rules要遵守,"快樂"並不是最重要的first priority,還有其他的很多很多...
今天跟Kirk討論到他的三個叔叔都是42歲的時候第一次心臟病發,我要他保持健康,如果他走的話我會寂寞,補了一句"我們亞洲人比較難move on..."



也許,是因為我們有社會壓力....eg. 五子哭墓的習俗,哭越大聲越孝順....


Jan 19, 2009

Apple, egg, becon

沒lunch meat??!! 好吧! 煎個蛋放中間,以前有看過... 靠 沒蕃茄了! 喔 還好,反正蘋果也是紅的.... 喔 冰箱有開包的培根ㄟ! 加個培根吧,有培根的食物就難吃不到哪去...

so... there we go bacon, egg, apple sandwich !!!! (培根蛋蘋果三明治) ~科克小茹自創菜單 !!~ (背景:盤子發出光芒,科克在三明治上打滾)

我覺得不錯,Kirk覺得蘋果太酸,可以煮or煎過可能會更好 (不負責講座)

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Jan 18, 2009

La Matera

For Arthur's leaving on Thurs., we went to a nice restaurant called La Matera on Av. Mexico.

We walked past it the other day with Coca and saw a lot of people waiting outside in the afternoon. But we couldn't find the sign for the name of the restaurant. I guess that's sign of a good restaurant, no need for marketing.

Mexicans love meat. After you taste the steak here, you will understand why.

Kirk ordered a 500 gram N. York Cut (Angus beef) Steak for 160pesos & I got a full sized short ribs for 170pesos.

After you sit down, warm breads with 3 different kinds of dipping sauces were served right away. My favorite is olive oil with spinash with a little bit salt.
You can choose mashed potato or salad to go with your main court.

Sitting in the candle lights, Chewing the juicy, well-cooked steak with a glass of wine then enjoy a hot cappucino after the meal. This is La Matera~
the kitchen & the crowd
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Guadalajara 街頭

There is an interesting scene in Guadalajara. In the intersection, when you stop for the traffic lights, you see lots people walking in between cars to sell candies, puzzles or offer to clean your windshield. Some of them does tricks like blow fires, juggling, playing bongo drums or mimes with fake dogs. Then they walk from cars to cars to charge money.
This morning we had a walk with Coca and all the sudden Coca started to pull and barked at the fake dog of the mime. The mime just acted like he is pulling his dog back, too. That makes Coca bark and pull even harder. People on the street and in the car were laughing and the mime got lots of tips.
I guess Coca did something nice today by just being himself.

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