Jul 19, 2010

My First 2-handfull Wild Raspberries

The other weekend we went for a walk with coca in the bushes behind the house. All the wild berries are hanging on in green. Then the next weekend, the first thing we arrived the house was to check if the berries are ready.
After repeating this for weeks, finally last Saturday I got two hand full wild raspberries! Coca wasn't too impressive with the berries. He just wanted to keep going and then come home to jump into the pond in the back yard and be a happy stinky wet dog.
Dinner time we had raspberry salad and hamburger outside. It was a sunny but windy da
y. So there was no bugs either in the bushes or back yard. The table and cabinet we were
working on were almost done. We had a great meal and hard-working Saturday.

As usual, good ideas should be written down
before you forget about it :)

Raspberry salad
Lotus, Brocoli, Mushroom, Wild Raspberry, Rasin, Peanut and Almond
Amount needs to be measured and written later
Suggest to change the Almond/ Peanut to be walnut will be better
Salad dressing would be better with olive oil/lemon juice or red wine vinegar/ salt...flavor

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