當你在自己國家生活到25歲,有著高薪收入的工作和優渥的家庭,要放棄一切投入到另一個國家(尤其是比自己國家先進的國家) 並不是那麼容易....
首先,你的競爭力會因為語言的關係降低.... 再來就是文化融合和駕馭與人溝通和互動的能力會不如從前... 雖然你還是有先天的優勢,就是你祖國的語言和文化,可是我爸爸有教,人到了其他國家,不能老是待在自己的圈圈,要想辦法跨出去... 那才是真成功...
"成功"...這兩個字,跟著我這未完的一輩子,家庭教育 + 個性使然,我總是想要突破,想要激發自己的潛力,追尋自己尚未擁有的joy... 就這樣,我放下了一切,投入了未知的加拿大生活,因為我相信我可以... 漸漸的,我發現,自己並不是那樣的堅強,也不是那樣的全能,有時候,我只想要來碗拉麵,或跟好友去KTV唱個通宵,新朋友得來不易,交到了也總是不如自己從小長大的老朋友... 老公的家人非常完美,但也總是不如自己不是那麼完美的親人...
生在國外,不管你怎麼做,人生似乎總是少了那麼一些... 唯一能安慰自己的,就是老公的好,老公的體貼和兩人的默契,這些都是無可取代,也難得可貴的.... 所以這樣就要放棄自己其他的一切?並不! 我坦承,自己來加拿大,並不是全為了老公,也為了挑戰,為了證明自己的能力,也為了能讓我的家人更以我為榮... 就這樣的賤個性,讓我必須承受一切,也讓我老公愛我那麼深... 本來很想移民的妹妹,從我身上學到什麼才是priority... 跟外國男友分手,在台灣找了份穩定的工作... 或許,這就是我的命運,只希望自己在台灣的家人與朋友在我缺席的日子裡一切安好...
Jul 27, 2013
Jan 12, 2013
So it's 2013. We made through 2012.12.21 and got the chance to make another New Year's wish or set up another New Year's resolution for year- 2013.
That's when I decided that my 2013 would be a healthier year. When life starts to get busy, I stopped to care about my diet.
Here is the chance to pick up what I have missed, while I still have a chance. :)
So there it goes, my new year resolution:
One new recipe per week + New veggie exploration!
I hope it will be a better year for everyone and for me and my family.
Happy New Year and have fun cooking!
That's when I decided that my 2013 would be a healthier year. When life starts to get busy, I stopped to care about my diet.
Here is the chance to pick up what I have missed, while I still have a chance. :)
So there it goes, my new year resolution:
One new recipe per week + New veggie exploration!
I hope it will be a better year for everyone and for me and my family.
Happy New Year and have fun cooking!
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