Mar 25, 2010

PS I love you

There were two movies in the past 5 years that I watched the 2nd time right away after just finishing the movie.
One is Inglorious basterds on the flight from SFO to TPE and the other one was PS I love you couple years ago.

It's a movie of true love that only makes me feel like to treasure our loves around us when we still can.
My favorite part of the movie is when Holly went back to the Karaoke to sing 'Love you till the end' for Jerry after he died from cancer. That's what he wanted her to do in one of his letter.

Here is the link to the video on youtube.

'I just want to tell you nothing you don't want to hear.
All I want is for you to say.
Oh Why don't you just take me where I've never been before.
I know you want to hear me, catch my breath.
I love you till the end. I love you till the end. I love you till the end...'

I read the book a year ago. It was not as beautiful as the movie. The movie is well done. The book got a great idea to begin with but it's more like a book about family with less romantic elements, such as the 12 letters were actually given to Holly all together in the book. And the sequence of the letter in the book is not as well arranged as in the movie. Well, I found it that way while I was reading.
But it could be just a impression effect since I watched the movie first and was in love with it right away...
Plus I am not usually a big fan of romantic books but am a loser when it comes to romantic movies... (how does that work..?)

Anyways, as a non-native speaker... I hope I well expressed and shared my feeling and thought to the book and movie.
Most importantly, thanks to the love of my life and who loves me in return, I am a lucky person to have him :)

Mar 24, 2010

Inglourious Basterds

atched this movie the 3rd time with my parents tonight. And still LOVE it like crazy.
I found that every time I watched this movie again, I'll get or find new stuff from the movie.

It's a quite a movie, no matter the screenplay, the music or the cinematography...

I especially love the period of Brad Pitt's speech...

My name is Lt. Aldo Raine, and I’m putting together a special team. And I need me eight soldiers. Eight – Jewish – American – Soldiers. Now y’all might have heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we’ll be leavin a little earlier. We’re gonna be dropped into France, dressed as civilians. And once we’re in enemy territory, as a bushwackin’ guerilla army, we’re gonna be doin one thing, and one thing only, Killin Nazi’s. The members of the Nationalist Socialist Party, have conquered Europe through murder, torture, intimidation, and terror. And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do to them. Now I don’t know about y’all. But I sure as hell, didn’t come down from the goddamn smoky mountains, cross five thousand miles of water, fight my way through half Sicily, and then jump out of a fuckin air-o-plane, to teach the Nazi’s lessons in humanity. Nazi ain’t got no humanity. There the foot soldiers of a Jew hatin, mass murderin manic, and they need to be destroyed. That’s why any and every son-of-a-bitch we find wearin a Nazi uniform, there gonna die. We will be cruel to the Germans, and through our cruelty, they will know who we are. They will find the evidence of our cruelty, in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the German will not be able to help themselves from im
agining the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heals, and the edge of our knives. And the Germans, will be sickened by us. And the Germans, will talk about us. And the Germans, will fear us. And when the Germans close their eyes at night, and their subconscious tortures them for the evil they’ve done, it will be with thoughts of us, that it tortures them with. But I got a word of warning to all would be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me, personally. Every man under my command, owes me, one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y’all will git me, one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred Nazi’s or you will die trying. -Lt. Aldo Raine aka Aldo the Apache

It's the best part of the movie, I'd think. Of course, there
are also the great lines in other parts and the outstanding performances of the actor and actresses, especially Christopher Waltz.
He is such a brilliant actor in the film. He acts well in French, German, English and even Italian. It's definitely the best supporting actor of the all time. Brad Pitt is also very great with the accent and humor he brought for the movie. And... Hugo Stiglitz!! Who wouldn't love him and his silence & craziness in that film?! It makes a perfect atmosphere of tense and funniness!

However, the Oscar gave the best original screenplay award to the Hurt Locker instead of Inglourious basterds is out of my expectation. Although the hurt locker is a well-down movie, too. But I personally think the lines in the film and the way they talked, the set up they have in the stories in Inglourious Basterds are all one of the best I've ever seen even comparing with the Hurt Locker.
I can only say the Oscar is not only about movies maybe. It's also about the politics and massages linked to the news nowadays. A bit disappointed of that fact... But anyways, who cares about Oscars... The true stunning movie it still is, my favorite movie in a long time- Inglourious Basterds!
Love it!!

Thanks to all the crew to make this movie happen!! I really enjoyed it... :)

Mar 16, 2010

The Hurt Locker- a movie to feel

它是一部讓人"感受" 大於思考的電影...

情節的緊湊 讓你感受前線的步調和節奏
值班的倒數 讓你感受到難熬和漫長的艱辛

戰場的緊湊和瞬間的寂靜的對比(eg.子彈掉到地上慢動作的墜落 展現一種無奈的美感以及與死殺現場完全不同的節奏...etc.)
"所謂表現非凡的軍人"究竟是不是個稱讚 這是他們要的 是他們的目標嗎?

但像那個誇獎男主角的長官 因為殘忍(不救還有15分鐘可以救的伊斯蘭教人)可以升成高官...etc.

唯一可以讓那些軍人慶幸的一點 也許是至少他們不是那些成天生活在戰火中的伊拉克人

祈禱世界和平~ 真的這麼希望...

Mar 15, 2010


這個老師的教法 十分適合那些要考美術班的學生...
跟我想學習的方向有點差距 但是我也不介意迅速的成長就是了

但若要賦予生命和觀察的話 可能得回家靠自己鑽研一下

最近很充實 如計畫的 學了很多東西 還好我學習的項目都是往同個方向
學素描可以訓練我對明暗度的掌握和捕捉 這對攝影也是及有幫助的
外加 我發現素描得時間過的很快 但是要化得好還真需要些耐性 也需要心思的細膩

缺點是現場實在沒有提供很好的照光環境 因此我只能說對物體的描繪是用"抄寫"的 並非自己觀察出來的

不管做什麼 都需要多練習 這真的是至理名言

今天一個要考美術系的高中女生 做我旁邊 和我一樣 是上第一堂素描課
一上課 老師放了個立體三角型錐狀物在桌上,要我們自己畫 用任何筆都行
我心想 這下可好.... 看旁邊那個女孩倒是很有自信的畫了起來
其實我真的可以懂為什麼人越老 越是懶得學習

所以,結論是... 一定要保持年輕的外貌! 這樣老了去上課也比較不會不好意思!!! 一定一定~

Mar 3, 2010


驟醒. 看得出來已是白天…


'框啷!'書櫃上在New York買的車牌掉了下來...


停止. 看了一眼手機… 08:19





後記: 這天的地震是6.4 震央高雄離地5km…