It is always good to be home and meet up with old friends. Selina and I met up in Taipei for lunch and coffee near Taipei 101. Surprisingly we were BOTH keen for KFC that day!! This time she didn't bring her big camera bag but a small delicate brown handbag.
Finally I popped the question during coffee: 'Is this one made by you, too?...' She smiled and nodded. I screamed and gave my compliments on the bag. Then she shared the happiness with me.
About Selina... She saved money for an SLR Nikon in highschool when other girls were concentrating more on boys, clothes, hair, cosmetics...etc. (In my case, it was vollyball and basketball.)
Then we both grew up and got into the future that we never expected we'd have when we were in highschool.
Even we went to very different major in uni in different cities, we ended up both being sales in electronic industries. Yup! Just like a lot of other students in Taiwan, we went into the department where we had no idea what we can do for a living afterwards. When it turns out the job you can apply for is not that interesting to you. You turned around to work on something has nothing to do with your major.
The busyness keeps most people fully occupied to think about what they really want to do, but not for Selina.
She quit from the electronic company and went to work in a computer learning center because the employees got lessons for free.
Then she finally bought her first DSLR camera and started her own business on the internet.
And now she has found her talent for handicrafts & designs... She is doing all the things she LOVES!
She is definitely the one that can inspire a lot of us if we don't like our jobs and lives, we should go out and make some changes for it. :)
The day I was leaving Taiwan (May 22nd), she called and told me that she made me a bag. More than a month later, I got it. A little card says it'd be my early birthday present this year :)
It's an elegant brown handbag with striped of all the colors I love.
Excitedly I took the bag to the backyard and took a whole bunch of pictures of it. I love my early birthday surprise.
Moreover, I love my old friends~ Wish them all the best in Taiwan.
呦~ 嬌滴滴的耶...

a bag with my NAME in it... (yeah, in it, it's better than on it)

me with the bag...